Top 15 Steel Welding Electrodes


E6013 - General Purpose  Mild Steel - Welding Electrode - 16 x 532 2 LB

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 16″ x 5/32″ (2 LB)

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 16″ x 5/32″ (2 LB) - 20 0. 005 0. Irregular short welds that change positions. 5 86 the above parameters are for reference purpose. 032 0. 20 1. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 020 0. 079 0. 00 0. 0 mm) 3/16 in (4. 20 1. Can be welded in any position, including vertically down. 08 typical test result 0. Very good mechanical quality values applications sheet metal. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 1 welding positions all ac & dc± (reverse or straight polarity) introduction rutile/cellulose coated stick electrode. 024 chemical composition ni cr mo v requirement 0. 38 0. Even with rusty, primed and galvanized workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc. 018 0. Maintenance or repair welding welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 30 0. 035 0. 010 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm (n/mm2) rel (n/mm2) a (%) kv2(j) 0 requirement 430 330 16 47 typical test result 485 380 28. 30 0. E6013, general purpose, mild steel stick electrode aws a5. 8 mm) ac 75-105 110-140 160-200 205-260 dc± 70-95 100-135 145-180 190-235 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 21 0. 040 typical test result 0.


E308L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 14 x 18 44 LB

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (4.4 LB)

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (4.4 LB) - 020 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 18. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode. 04 0. 040 typical test result 0. 035 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 510 30 typical test result 580 45 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 008 0. Very homogeneous seam finish applications austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers, type 302, 304 and 308 stainless steels, a743 and a744 type cf-8 cast material welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 024 1. 030 0. 90 9. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 75 0. E308l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. 0-12. 0 9. 30 0. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. 75 typical test result 19. 50 ~ 2. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. 62 0. 50 1. 040 0. 00 0. 0-21. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. 80 0. Versatile electrode designed to weld several types of austenitic steels. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 0 0.


E316L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 12 x 332 44 LB

E316L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (4.4 LB)

E316L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (4.4 LB) - Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. 60 2. Very homogeneous seam finish applications molybdenum bearing austenitic stainless steels, type 316 and 316l welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 025 1. 45 0. E316l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. 0 0. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile, high-alloy stick electrode. 04 0. 05 11. 75 typical test result 19. 030 0. Molybdenum grade for increased corrosion resistance. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. 60 0. 038 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 490 25 typical test result 570 46 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 0 2. 0 11. 00 0. 50 1. 040 typical test result 0. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 20 0. Maximum operating temperature 400 °c. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 007 0. 0~14. 021 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 17. 0~3. 50~2. 0~20.


E308L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 12 x 332 12 LB

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (1/2 LB)

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (1/2 LB) - 04 0. 00 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 75 0. Very homogeneous seam finish applications austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers, type 302, 304 and 308 stainless steels, a743 and a744 type cf-8 cast material welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. 0 9. 040 typical test result 0. 80 0. Versatile electrode designed to weld several types of austenitic steels. 040 0. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. 020 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 18. 90 9. 0 0. 62 0. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. 50 ~ 2. 0-21. 30 0. 008 0. 035 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 510 30 typical test result 580 45 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 0-12. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 024 1. 030 0. E308l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 75 typical test result 19. 50 1.


E309L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 12 x 332 12 LB

E309L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (1/2 LB)

E309L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (1/2 LB) - 75 0. 75 typical test result 24. 15 0. 040 typical test result 0. 00 0. E309l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. 021 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 22. 035 0. 0 12. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. Joining stainless steel to mild or low alloy steel welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 75 0. For dissimilar joints and buffer layers. 10 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 550 25 typical test result 595 40 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 25 12. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. 0 ~ 14. 009 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 70 0. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. 45 0. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 0 0. 0 ~ 25. Maximum operating temperature 300 °c applications austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers. 50 ~ 2. Joint welding on heat-resistant crni steels. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode. Designed for joining stainless steel to mild or low alloy steel. 50 1. 055 1. 030 0.


E6013 - General Purpose  Mild Steel - Welding Electrode - 14 x 332 2 LB

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 14″ x 3/32″ (2 LB)

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 14″ x 3/32″ (2 LB) - E6013, general purpose, mild steel stick electrode aws a5. 005 0. 020 0. 018 0. 1 welding positions all ac & dc± (reverse or straight polarity) introduction rutile/cellulose coated stick electrode. 38 0. 0 mm) 3/16 in (4. 30 0. Very good mechanical quality values applications sheet metal. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 032 0. Can be welded in any position, including vertically down. 20 1. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 5 86 the above parameters are for reference purpose. 00 0. 040 typical test result 0. 010 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm (n/mm2) rel (n/mm2) a (%) kv2(j) 0 requirement 430 330 16 47 typical test result 485 380 28. 21 0. 20 1. 30 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. Irregular short welds that change positions. Maintenance or repair welding welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 20 0. Even with rusty, primed and galvanized workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc. 079 0. 024 chemical composition ni cr mo v requirement 0. 08 typical test result 0. 8 mm) ac 75-105 110-140 160-200 205-260 dc± 70-95 100-135 145-180 190-235 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 035 0.


E6013 - General Purpose  Mild Steel - Welding Electrode - 16 x 532 12 LB

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 16″ x 5/32″ (1/2 LB)

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 16″ x 5/32″ (1/2 LB) - 8 mm) ac 75-105 110-140 160-200 205-260 dc± 70-95 100-135 145-180 190-235 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. Irregular short welds that change positions. Maintenance or repair welding welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 30 0. 5 86 the above parameters are for reference purpose. Very good mechanical quality values applications sheet metal. 38 0. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 20 0. E6013, general purpose, mild steel stick electrode aws a5. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 010 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm (n/mm2) rel (n/mm2) a (%) kv2(j) 0 requirement 430 330 16 47 typical test result 485 380 28. 040 typical test result 0. 08 typical test result 0. 018 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 21 0. 024 chemical composition ni cr mo v requirement 0. 032 0. Can be welded in any position, including vertically down. 005 0. 035 0. 30 0. 020 0. 0 mm) 3/16 in (4. 20 1. 1 welding positions all ac & dc± (reverse or straight polarity) introduction rutile/cellulose coated stick electrode. 079 0. 00 0. 20 1. Even with rusty, primed and galvanized workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc.


E316L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 14 x 18 12 LB

E316L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (1/2 LB)

E316L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (1/2 LB) - 0 11. 05 11. E316l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. 60 0. Molybdenum grade for increased corrosion resistance. Very homogeneous seam finish applications molybdenum bearing austenitic stainless steels, type 316 and 316l welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 038 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 490 25 typical test result 570 46 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 007 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 040 typical test result 0. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. Maximum operating temperature 400 °c. 45 0. 60 2. 021 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 17. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. 0~20. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 030 0. 0 2. 50 1. 025 1. 04 0. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. 20 0. 0~14. 50~2. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile, high-alloy stick electrode. 0 0. 0~3. 00 0. 75 typical test result 19.


E309L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 14 x 18 2 LB

E309L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (2 LB)

E309L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (2 LB) - Maximum operating temperature 300 °c applications austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers. 25 12. 70 0. 0 ~ 14. 030 0. 035 0. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 0 12. 021 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 22. 055 1. 040 typical test result 0. 0 ~ 25. Designed for joining stainless steel to mild or low alloy steel. 45 0. 0 0. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. Joining stainless steel to mild or low alloy steel welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 75 typical test result 24. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 75 0. Joint welding on heat-resistant crni steels. 10 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 550 25 typical test result 595 40 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 50 ~ 2. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. E309l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. For dissimilar joints and buffer layers. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode. 50 1. 75 0. 00 0. 15 0. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. 009 0.


Forney 42451 Mild Steel Welding Electrodes 532 Dia 15 L

Forney 42451 Mild Steel Welding Electrodes, 5/32″ Dia, 15″ L

Forney 42451 Mild Steel Welding Electrodes, 5/32″ Dia, 15″ L - Diameter 5/32 in. Ideal for galvanized tanks, steel casting and pressure pipe. Deep penetration. Recommended polarity ac, dcep, dcen (either polarity). Amperage 35-125. Length 15 in. Application repair & construction welding. Material mild steel. Weight 40 lbs. Penetrates through most surface contaminants. Light slag allows for easy clean-up. Aws classification e6011. Tensile strength 88,000 psi.


E308L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 14 x 18 12 LB

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (1/2 LB)

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (1/2 LB) - 040 typical test result 0. 0-12. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. Very homogeneous seam finish applications austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers, type 302, 304 and 308 stainless steels, a743 and a744 type cf-8 cast material welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 040 0. 0 9. 75 0. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. 50 1. 020 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 18. 0 0. Versatile electrode designed to weld several types of austenitic steels. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode. 62 0. 50 ~ 2. 035 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 510 30 typical test result 580 45 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 04 0. 0-21. 008 0. 80 0. 30 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 030 0. E308l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. 024 1. 00 0. 90 9. 75 typical test result 19.


E6013 - General Purpose  Mild Steel - Welding Electrode - 14 x 18 11 LB

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (11 LB)

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (11 LB) - E6013, general purpose, mild steel stick electrode aws a5. 040 typical test result 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 005 0. 00 0. 079 0. 032 0. Even with rusty, primed and galvanized workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 0 mm) 3/16 in (4. 5 86 the above parameters are for reference purpose. 020 0. 20 1. 035 0. 30 0. 1 welding positions all ac & dc± (reverse or straight polarity) introduction rutile/cellulose coated stick electrode. Can be welded in any position, including vertically down. Very good mechanical quality values applications sheet metal. 20 1. Maintenance or repair welding welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 018 0. 010 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm (n/mm2) rel (n/mm2) a (%) kv2(j) 0 requirement 430 330 16 47 typical test result 485 380 28. 024 chemical composition ni cr mo v requirement 0. 20 0. 8 mm) ac 75-105 110-140 160-200 205-260 dc± 70-95 100-135 145-180 190-235 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. Irregular short welds that change positions. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 30 0. 08 typical test result 0. 21 0. 38 0.


E6013 - General Purpose  Mild Steel - Welding Electrode - 14 x 18 5 LB

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (5 LB)

E6013 – General Purpose / Mild Steel – Welding Electrode – 14″ x 1/8″ (5 LB) - 079 0. 5 86 the above parameters are for reference purpose. 08 typical test result 0. 024 chemical composition ni cr mo v requirement 0. 00 0. 30 0. 032 0. Irregular short welds that change positions. E6013, general purpose, mild steel stick electrode aws a5. Even with rusty, primed and galvanized workpieces thanks to the aggressive arc. 20 1. 005 0. 040 typical test result 0. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 21 0. 30 0. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 010 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm (n/mm2) rel (n/mm2) a (%) kv2(j) 0 requirement 430 330 16 47 typical test result 485 380 28. 018 0. Very good mechanical quality values applications sheet metal. 8 mm) ac 75-105 110-140 160-200 205-260 dc± 70-95 100-135 145-180 190-235 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 1 welding positions all ac & dc± (reverse or straight polarity) introduction rutile/cellulose coated stick electrode. 20 0. Can be welded in any position, including vertically down. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 035 0. Maintenance or repair welding welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 38 0. 0 mm) 3/16 in (4. 020 0. 20 1.


E316L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 12 x 332 2 LB

E316L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (2 LB)

E316L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (2 LB) - 0 2. 05 11. 00 0. 50 1. 021 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 17. 0 11. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. E316l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. 04 0. Molybdenum grade for increased corrosion resistance. 45 0. 0~3. 030 0. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile, high-alloy stick electrode. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. Maximum operating temperature 400 °c. 20 0. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 038 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 490 25 typical test result 570 46 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 60 2. 50~2. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 0 0. 0~14. Very homogeneous seam finish applications molybdenum bearing austenitic stainless steels, type 316 and 316l welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 60 0. 007 0. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 75 typical test result 19. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3. 040 typical test result 0. 025 1. 0~20.


E308L-16 - Stainless Steel Welding Electrode - 12 x 332 2 LB

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (2 LB)

E308L-16 – Stainless Steel Welding Electrode – 12″ x 3/32″ (2 LB) - 020 chemical composition cr ni mo cu requirement 18. 0-21. Versatile electrode designed to weld several types of austenitic steels. 50 ~ 2. 62 0. 80 0. Very homogeneous seam finish applications austenite-ferrite joints (dissimilar), cladding, corrosion-resistant layers on non-alloyed construction steels, buffer layers, type 302, 304 and 308 stainless steels, a743 and a744 type cf-8 cast material welding parameters polarity current (amps) 3/32″ (2. 75 typical test result 19. Excellent ignition and re-ignition characteristics. 0 mm) dc+ 40-70 60-100 90-140 ac 40-70 60-100 90-140 chemical composition (%) chemical composition c mn si s p requirement 0. 035 mechanical properties of deposited metal test item rm(n/mm2) a (%) requirement 510 30 typical test result 580 45 the above parameters are for reference purpose and depend on diverse factors. 0-12. 0 9. 04 0. 030 0. 024 1. Self-removing slag, very low spatter tendency. Can be welded in any position except vertical down. 040 typical test result 0. 008 0. 90 9. 30 0. 50 1. 040 0. 75 0. E308l-16 stainless steel electrode aws a5. 00 0. 0 0. Run tests, evaluate and set your welding parameters before starting the welding job. 4 welding positions all, except vertical down ac & dc+ (reverse polarity) introduction rutile-basic coated, high-alloy stick electrode. 2 mm) 5/32″ (4. 4 mm) 1/8″ (3.

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